According to Section 35 of Chapter 571 of the Securities and Futures Ordinance, Securities and Futures (Contracts Limits and Reportable Positions) Rules, Enhanced Regulation of LOPR in Index Futures and Options, unless authorized, a declaration to the exchange is required when a customer's account holds options contracts in excess of the large open position reporting level.

1. Filing Conditions

Stock option classes (with the same underlying, the same option class) with aggregate after-hours positions of more than 1,000 shares require declaration.

2. Reporting Methods

(1) When customers who open an account in Tiger hold positions reaching the reporting level, Tiger will act as an agent to report on behalf of customers and customers do not need to do any operation.
(2) When the combined positions of multiple brokers reach the reporting level and you have account(s) with other broker(s) that have open positions or reportable positions ,please (a) make arrangements with your other broker(s) to report all your reportable positions to HKEX and (b) notify Tiger that you have reportable positions.

3. Related Links

(1) The rules on the large open positions and position limits for derivatives shall be subject to the announcement of the regulatory authority:
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